Салат из петрушки, радиккьо и китайской капусты с лимонным винегретом


Сок лимонный 1,5 столовые ложки
Цедра лимонная 1 чайная ложка
Сахар ¼ чайной ложки
Соль ¼ чайной ложки
Перец черный молотый ¼ чайной ложки
Масло оливковое 0,35 стакана
Капуста китайская 450 г
Петрушка 4,5 стакана
Салат радиккьо 120 г


  • 1.  В небольшой миске смешайте лимонный сок, лимонную цедру, сахар, соль и черный перец. Взбивая, тоненькой струйкой введите оливковое масло.
  • 2.  В большой миске смешайте тонко нарезанную китайскую капусту, тонко нарезанный радиккьо и петрушку. сбрызните винегретом, перемешайте и подавайте.

  • Источник: — http://eda.ru/salad/recipe22180/salat-iz-petrushki-radikko-kitajskoj-kapusti-s-limonnim-vinegretom

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    Who read in English

    If you doubt a choice podvodki — that is, think: whether to take to you liquid or to take advantage of a pencil for eyes at first define: you are going to do what type of a make-up? After all liquid podvodka, let also it is good that very proof, but nevertheless on eyes it looks rezkovato and somewhere even defiantly. Therefore is better will use it in an evening make-up. And here the soft pencil will perfectly underline your eyes in a day variant of a make-up.

    Weariness traces appear on the person not only after sleepless night. If you tensely work or test stress, the weariness can gradually collect. Its traces and on the person will be gradually shown and amplify. As a rule, the longer you subjected the organism to stress, the it is necessary to struggle then with its displays longer. One sleepless night in this plan manages much more cheaply if only before you did not subject the organism to other excessive loadings for it. Smoking very badly influences a condition of a skin and regular nedosypanie. On the contrary, after a healthy, quiet dream the skin looks fresh and shining. On it wrinkles are less appreciable, tone of the person is levelled. Unfortunately, not always we have possibility and time regularly to support a healthy way of life, and, likely, each woman though time in a life faced a problem as by means of a make-up to hide weariness traces on the person.

    Wer liest nach Deutsch

    Schuld jenem ofter allen wird die Nichtbefolgung der Zeit der Farbung (poderzhu langer, damit ja sicher ubernehmen immer) oder die trockenen Spitzen des Haares, die die anstreichenden Pigmente augenblicklich einsaugen und die intensivere Schattierung.

    Dank der cremefarbenen Textur gleitet er weich und leicht fuhrt die deutliche Linie durch. Dazu wird ganz nicht rastekaetsja im Jahrhundert nicht abgedruckt. Und letzt, aber nicht unwesentlich, — wird dieser Bleistift vom Finger oder dem kleinen Pinsel ausgezeichnet abschattiert und ideal kommt fur die Bildung des Make-Ups smoky eyes heran.

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