Карп со щавелем

Для 6 человек: карп (или сазан) весом 1,5 кг – 2 чайные ложки соли – 2 горошины черного перца – 2 кг щавеля – 6 сваренных вкрутую яиц – 5 ст. ложек мелко нарубленного репчатого лука – 2 ст. ложки чабера – 1 лавровый лист – 60 г сливочного масла.

Карпа очистить, выпотрошить, натереть солью, положить целиком на сковороду, влить 1 стакан воды, добавить лук, перец горошком, чабер, лавровый лист и 1 чайную ложку соли, закрыть крышкой и поставить в предварительно хорошо нагретую (до 190–200 °C) духовку на 30–40 мин. Не забыть перевернуть рыбу 1–3 раза.

Щавель перебрать и оборвать черенки. Тщательно вымыть щавель, залить минимальным количеством воды и тушить 20–25 мин на слабом огне. Откинуть на сито, посолить по вкусу (при размешивании не превращать в пюре), предварительно смешав со сливочным маслом. Готовый карп выложить на блюдо, украсить с одной стороны щавелем, а с другой стороны положить разрезанные на половинки яйца.

Источник: — http://strana-sovetov.com/recipes/fish/398-karp-sorrel.html

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Therefore wax possesses obvious advantages before other similar way of depilation — so-called shugaringom at which instead of wax strips use the concentrated sugar syrup. But since Cleopatra’s times the science has stepped far forward, and now it is possible to influence hairs in the chemical way, simply dissolving it. However, at chemical dissolution keratina hair hydrogen sulphide which can cause allergic reaction is allocated. But as a whole it is the most painless and, in general, pleasant procedure though gives short-lived effect. By quantity and a variety to creams compete today elektrodepiljatory. Every year all of them become complicated, acquire numerous nozzles and additions (like cooling gels). Beautiful expensive features of known firms make deceptive impression of simplicity of procedure.

As often we face women and we think about ourselves: Well, what for she has bought such lipstick? Or And to it blush or something in this sort would approach. And the reason for all — errors in a make-up. After all for what we are painted? To underline natural beauty of the person, instead of to cover possible lacks. To reach naturalnesses it is easy if not to make the mistakes extended, unfortunately. An error 1. Do not confuse naturalness and pallor. Someone accepts light invisible shades, to someone — bright colours. It also is naturalness of an image. The main thing — to see, there is to you a chosen type of a make-up or not. An error 2. Do not spoil the a soul mirror. Too accurate, grafichnye eyebrows look «fallen asleep» and do the person similar to a mask. Paint eyebrows with easy strokes on growth of hairs. Colour of a pencil too is important: the black approaches only to brunettes, with light hair it is better to girls to apply brown or light grey shades of a pencil. An error 3. To a shade of shades also will pay steadfast attention: It is not necessary to use shades in tone of eyes so it is possible to transform eyes into ridiculous stains on the person. Not always shades which clothes steal up in colour are successfully looked. An error 4. The big error — wrong tone for the person. At purchase of a voice-frequency cream be guided by your own complexion, instead of on what you would like. Do not use colour on tone more low: certainly, there is an effect under sunburn, but it looks usually very artificially. Also do not forget to cover with a voice-frequency cream a neck that contrast between natural and protonirovannoj a skin has not been swept up. An error 5. Correctly to put blush it is necessary on cheekbones. Dabs of blush on cheeks do the person rigid and aggressive. Do not forget to shade blush that the make-up was not similar on klounsky a make-up. An error 6. There are two types of a make-up — day and evening. Do not confuse them. Nacreous shades, golden powder — all it is well looked at artificial illumination, and here in the afternoon only ages. In the evening, on the contrary, it is possible to add in the image of shine. An error 7. Incorrectly picked up tone of lipstick. Certainly, to buy it is necessary that lipstick which to you goes. Do not rush from an extreme measure in an extreme measure, it is not necessary to choose, too light or too dark lipstick. Remember that to women with a light skin there are cold shades of lipstick, and swarty — warm colours.

Wer liest nach Deutsch

Fur die trockene und normale Haut wird die Maske aus einigen reifen Beeren der Erdbeere, die mit dem Suppenloffel des Olivenols zerrieben sind (empfohlen es ist prokipjachennogo auf der Dampfsauna und otstojannogo des Sonnenblumenoles moglich).

Wieviel wird auf dem Licht die Menschen leben, wird auch der Meinungen ebensoviel. Aber wenn Sie im Begriff sind, sich das permanente Make-Up zu machen, ware befriedigend, sich beim Mann oder dem Freund zu interessieren, dass die Manner uber das permanente Make-Up der Frau sagen. Oder man kann uberhaupt niemals die kleinen weiblichen Geheimnisse mitteilen. Wenn auch es im Geheimnis bleibt. Das permanente Make-Up stellt die Tatowierung, die auf die Augen aufgetragen wird, die Augenbrauen und die Lippen dar. Es reicht solches Make-Up auf etwas Jahre aus. Spater kann man es erneuern. Unterscheiden das kosmetische permanente Make-Up, das Sie von der Notwendigkeit taglich befreien wird die dekorative Kosmetik, und kosmetologichesky aufzutragen, die die Muttermale und die Schrammen verbergen konnen.

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