Молочный кисель с шоколадом

шоколад 300 г

крахмал 0.5 ст.

молоко 6 стаканов

сахар 100 г

ванильный сахар 1 пакетик

Рецепт на 8 порций.

70876df606415b050df59005c3cff238-1824301 Шоколад натрите на терке, соедините с просеянным крахмалом, разведите 1 стаканом холодного молока и хорошо перемешайте. Оставшееся молоко вскипятите, добавьте сахар и ванильный сахар. Постоянно помешивая, влейте в кипящее молоко разведенный крахмал с шоколадом, доведите до кипения. Подавайте кисель в холодном или горячем виде. Сверху уложите взбитые с сахаром сливки.

Источник — http://ivona.bigmir.net/cooking/recipes/10229-molochnyj-kisel-s-shokoladom

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Who read in English

That is why it is necessary to return a moisture to hair — by means of a spray with thermal water or the conditioner for hair. Sometimes simply enough to shake up hair (especially short) damp hands and then sbryznut their fixing means. The static electricity in hair poisons a life practically to all women, especially if they distsiplinirovanno carry headdresses during cold time. Accumulation of a static electricity is promoted also by frequent use of the hair dryer.

By the way, the waist is one of those parts of a female figure to whom men always pay attention. For this reason, throughout many centuries of the woman tightened itself in corsets. Certainly, it is possible not to resort to trainings and to arrive as, but it is necessary to notice, that the corset is inconvenient enough part of clothes if to carry it not as usual clothes, and as a subject which can narrow a waist on some centimetres.

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