Коктейль “Зеленый крокодил”


Ликер Curacao 20 мл

Анисовый аперитив Pernot 20 мл

Апельсиновый сок 80 мл

Сок маракуйи 80 мл

колотый лед

Рецепт алкогольного коктейля.


Хорошенько взболтать в специальной емкости ликёр, аперитив и соки. Бокал до трети наполнить колотым льдом и добавить туда получившуюся смесь.

Для украшения можно использовать половинку колечка апельсина или лимона — надрежьте и закрепите на кромке бокала. Коктейль подавать с соломинкой.

Источник: bestrestoran.com.ua

Источник — http://ivona.bigmir.net/cooking/recipes/13026-koktejl-zelenyj-krokodil

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Who read in English

At the height of a grape season it is possible to prepare humidifying loson which is stored within a year. Knead pulp of grapes and leave on pair hours. Filter juice — enough 400 ml. Pour it in bank, mix about 1-2 items spoons of honey and add 1 ch. A salt spoon. Once again filter a mix and pour in in it a vodka glass. Apply so: preliminary cleared skin grease grape losonom and leave, not soaking through a skin, at 1-2 o’clock, then rinse with its cool water.

In the last some years all women dream of uniform, bronze and beautiful sunburn. After all the sunbathed girls look younger, it is more sexual, more harmonous and more attractive. As sunburn hides weariness on the person, spots and other insignificant lacks of a skin. Therefore at each possible moment of the woman rush on a beach to be fried under the sun, in hope to sunbathe faster. And in practice only burn or sunbathe stains. So, a theme of our today’s article — How correctly to pick up a suntan preparation.

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